Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope Download PC If you like (FPS) games, where your mission is to fight off the enemies with the use of various weapons, you should necessarily get download Serious Sam VR free because this is the video game just for you. There is an ammunition counter on top of most weapons as a holographic display to let the player know how much ammo they have for that weapon.Shooter game based on virtually presented reality, enabling the player experiencing emotional feelings resulted from first person specific of the gameplay becomes more and more popular offer for the lovers of similar games. This way, the player can mow down hordes of enemies much faster than the non-virtual reality games. Like the other virtual reality games in the Serious Sam series, the player is able to dual-wield weapons, examples include combining the M29 Infantry Assault Rifle with the RAPTOR Sniper Rifle, or holding C-4 Demolition Charges in one hand and the SBC Cannon in the other.

Like Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter and Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter, Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE also includes Steam Workshop support, where people can create their own personalised content or download new player-created content and modifications using Serious Sam Fusion 2017. True locomotion support is also included, such as teleport, instant teleport, blink teleport, and classic full locomotion. Many new features have been included, such as Serious Sam Fusion 2017 integration, which means that player can play cross-platform with players on the original version of the game. Unlike previous VR titles, Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE did not came with the Jewel of the Nile DLC. Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE functions just like Serious Sam 3: BFE, with the same gamemodes, enemies, weapons and levels from the original game.

The plot of the game is exactly the same as it is in Serious Sam 3.