Pros: - pretty interesting battle system: attackers only move vertically while defenders only move horizontally. I've given this game another try in the beginning of 2016 and thankfully the game is now friendlier to its players, so I'd now give it a 5/10. I first tried this game in 2012 and dropped it after a few months because at that time its monetization design was too aggressive and took out I first tried this game in 2012 and dropped it after a few months because at that time its monetization design was too aggressive and took out all the fun from the game unless you pay. And the most important: it's almost free. Maybe it doesn't have all the story and the novelties of a new C&C game, but you will enjoy this game for months fighting, developing your base and knowing a lot of other players. There are also a great community around Tiberium Alliances: forums, a lot of helpful free scripts, simulators, wiki, etc. However, it's not a geek game, you don't have to play 5 hours a day to be strong. It's also a very long game: you can play for months unlocking new units, increasing your level and advancing to the center of the map, which is the goal of the game. Even if you want to pay to unlock some minor features, they are very cheap. And this very interesting, because you will be very weak if you don't socialize and form alliances with other players.

The 90% of success in this game is in playing and in cooperating with other people. Actually, you can pay to obtain some little advantages, but it isn't another pay-to-win game.

The 90% of It's a good free-to-play MMOG.